Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Forget Your Blues About Removing Decals, Check Out Wonder Products Today For The Complete Solution

Removing old decals, faded stickers and discolored vinyl letters have always been a tough job. We constantly use old techniques like metal razors, chemicals or heat guns to wipe out these marks. However these can sometimes have a terrible aftermath such as ruining or scratching the surface.

To Find Out How You Can Remove Decals, Vinyl Sign And Stickers Click Here!

This made Peter Nobbs, from Wonder Products, think again and again. Finally after much effort, he came to conclusion that rubber and plastic could be effectively used to remove decals. Both materials are gentle to the surface and would solve the issue of easily removing decals, stickers and vinyl lettering. (plus save business owners time and money)

Peter finally gave a shape to his thoughts in form of two products: The Wonder Wheel and Wonder Blade. Declastickerremover.com was born, a website that can link you to Wonder Products. These products are chemical free, safe enough to use on almost all surfaces and could remove small and large areas of decals or vinyl signs.

The Wonder Wheel is made out of rubber and has no harmful chemicals. So there is no fear of any chemical damage. It also does not cause any skin irritations unlike using chemicals for removing decals.

Since it is made up of rubber, Wonder Wheel can be used on any big surface. It works by the spinning rubber wheel that removes decals swiftly. With Wonder wheel you do not need to worry about scratches because rubber is soft in texture. For the Wonder Wheel, simply place it in the drills chuck, tighten and you are ready to start working.

Wonder Blade is another product that removes decals and vinyl signs from smaller surfaces. For a delicate use, Wonder Blade will serve you the best. It is quick and efficient. For the Wonder Blade, simply click in the plastic blade and it’s that easy to start getting the job done. As it is plastic made, there is almost no chance of scratching the surface. Wonder Blade also is free from harmful chemicals.

After removing decals, another most disturbing element is the residue. Wonder Wheel works great here as it removes the majority of goo or glue from the decals.

For ways and techniques to remove decals and stickers, check out a clip of the product at www.decalstickerremover.com

P.S – if you need a product to remove the residue or goo from a decal, try your local supermarket and ask for any eucalyptus oil (its very cheap and works well)

Watch the exciting video below to find out how you can remove decals, vinyl sign and stickers

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